Tuesday, 25 September 2007

First Blog EVER!

Well, this is a milestone in my life for sure...my very first blog. I have to say, I was definitely anti-blog for a long time. I always wondered who in the world would want to read about MY life?? But it turns out that getting married and moving across the ocean from friends and family changes a lot of the perspectives that you previously held. That being said, I am going to try my best to blog as often as possible to keep all of our loved ones up to date with what Jonathan and I are up to. Here is a brief update of what Jonathan and I have been up to since we left the US:

May 27, 2007 was the beginning of a new life for both of us: Our Wedding Day. The day could not have been more perfect! We were among our families and our closest friends and were able to share one of the most important days of our lives with them. Now I am married to my best friend :)

Honeymoon in Costa Rica (CR): What a beautiful country!! Despite seeing my life flash before me multiple times while driving on the main "roads" (and I use the term "road " loosely as a "road" in Costa Rica consisted of packed mud or gravel at best and was about the width of one car) or while flying in a sight seeing prop plane from an airport no bigger than an outhouse. I don't understand how Jonathan has made a career in flying while I have made it one of my biggest fears!! We stayed in 2 incredible resorts: Tabacon was the first, nestled right under one of the active volcano's in CR--looking back on that, thank God that he didn't plan for an eruption while we were there!! :) Punta Islita was the second resort, located on a hill right on the pacific ocean. Jonathan and I had our own "casita"--this included our very own dipping pool, a back yard with beach chairs, and a very comfy hammock. We also had a couple of roommates..which was a little awkward considering we were on our honeymoon. The roommates were in the form of gecko's...and apparently the white sheets and pillows of our bed were the perfect toilet for the roommates that we had. I was a little freaked out, but Jonathan, as always, put me at ease and ALMOST talked me into appreciating the fact that they were in our room since it meant we were in nature. We had such a blast at Punta Islita and met some other really great couples who were also on their honeymoons. Unfortunately, I was not smart enough to reapply sun block the first day that we were on the beach and I got to walk around looking like a lobster for a couple of days. Oh well!! All in all, an amazing honeymoon with an amazing man.

Moving to England: Jonathan and I arrived in England in late June and since then have been settling in to life abroad. We had a stressful few weeks, but now we truly feel at home. We live in an old market town called Bury St Edmunds and we absolutely love it. We have been meeting lots of new people and are starting to make an awesome group of friends. We have traveled to Dublin, London and some other small towns in England so far. We can't wait to travel more!!

Jonathan has been doing a lot of painting at work this summer...so on the days that he does fly he comes home and tells me how much he loves his job. Jonathan has taken on the role of husband like a rock star--especially completing tasks on his ever growing "honey-do" list (which, by the way, he adds most of the tasks himself!).

I am not working yet--turns out the English require LOTS of paperwork and money in order to let an American physical therapist work in their country. I am diligently working on completing all of that paper work, and in the mean time will be volunteering through the Red Cross and working as a PT on base in the clinic. It has been a nice 5-6 month vacation of not working, but I am ready to shake the dust off of my thinking cap and put my education to a use again.

Well, for a first blog I guess that I had a lot to say!! I hope I didn't bore you to death :) More to follow later....