Thursday 3 July 2008

The final countdown...

My last pool work out before the triathlon is today! Only 3 days until the big event. Holly and I have been tapering our workouts this week...leaving me feeling bloated and large since my body still feels that it needs to carbo-load every day in order to prepare for the next workout. Stupid carbs.

After the triathlon is over I have LOTS of packing to do. I leave for the states on July 12th and won't come back home to England until the end of September! In that time I will attend and play an active role in 2 weddings, travel to at least 5 states, hit up the beaches in North Carolina and Hawaii (I know, I know my life is tough), start my first semester of classes for my DPT, and HOPEFULLY find some jobs to apply for so that I can line up some interviews for when I get home. Ugh. I can already feel myself starting to procrastinating on all of the above tasks (except going to the beach, that will definitely happen on time!).

Alright, its pool time. My mantra today while swimming, adopted from Holly, will be "Don't Panic, Don't Panic". Luckily I have been reassured that the pool is free from sharks and murky water today (though last time we were at the pool I swam by THE largest floating snot I have ever seen in my LIFE so I am little nervous about what else I may find in the water).

3 days and counting..."don't panic, don't panic"...

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