Monday, 28 July 2008

BOSTON and vicinity....

I have been in the states for 2 weeks already!! Yikes. Time is flying by....I have already done soo much!

Jonathan and I spent about a week with my family at the beach in Duck, North Carolina (quite possibly the best place EVER!) We also spent some quality time with Jonathans parents in Baltimore (luckily we did not witness any drive by shootings....that place is a little rough!). Then came the highlight of the past two weeks......Lindsay and Scotts wedding!

Lindsay (one of my best friends whom I met the summer before my freshman year at Boston U) and Scott have been dating since 1997!!!!!!!!!!!! and tied the knot on Saturday (July 26th). The wedding was amazing...especially the open bar and CHOCOLATE cake. I was the Matron-of-Honor at the big event so I was pretty busy the whole week but was soo spoiled to be able to spend the week with the bride :) I was pretty nervous to give the big Matron of Honor speech...but I think that with the help of amaretto (thanks OPEN BAR!) I not only got through it, but I also made a few people laugh (I found a way to talk about fluffers, pillowfights and transvestites in the same speech). Lindsay was absolutely GORGEOUS (I hate her...JK) and Scott was beaming the whole day. Despite my offers to be their personal assistant, I was NOT invited to their honey moon at Sandals in St Lucia (and I thought they were my friends...)

I am going to be staying in Boston for a couple of days now...and I am in HEAVEN! I walked from my brothers apartment around the corner and passed a CVS, Cold Stone Creamery, Starbucks AND a burrito place. I can't wait to go on a run tomorrow to check out my alma maters ever changing campus and to work off the open bar.

Good times.

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