1:21:02. My first triathlon...complete! I conquered my fears of murky water (and thankfully the water was less murky today than on my practice swim last week) and didn't do half bad for a first timer. It was a pretty exciting day, and I think that I may get into this whole triathlon thing. It is definitely addicting!
Note to those who may be interested in doing a triathlon: It is important to take your helmet off BEFORE you start the running portion of the race. Turns out that running 400m before figuring out that you are still wearing your bicycle helmet is slightly embarrassing! Oh well.

I meant to call yesterday to see how it went but then it got to be too late. CONGRATULATIONS! You finished it, you didn't get eaten by sharks, AND you finished it under your goal time! Way to go. Erin Bott...you're my hero :)
(fyi - although it says "aaron said"...it was really me, april. but, you can be aaron's hero too, if you'd like. I better ask him if that's okay with him though :)
I like the post pic MUCH more than the pre pic. I thought that the snazzy wet suit, goggles, and smashing yellow swim cap concealed my beauty, but Ollie identified me. Welcome to the blogging world! We miss you back here too.
You seriously forgot to take your helmet off? I'm dying here!
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